

Haven't posted for a week so I figured I should. Not too much of interest has happened. We got to visit a university on Tuesday and Thursday last week which was cool. I have a super epic plan for the future. I'll get a nursing degree and work for NGO's and stuff overseas and help people. But I'll stay for a while, try improve people's health and lives, then if I ever want to come back to Australia I can just do normal nursing. Cause I want to make the world better, and human biology is pretty interesting to me. Cool diagram showing cell differentiation. Stem cells in your bones turn into any type of blood cell. Did you know that you make nearly 3.8 million new blood cells every second?

And in the meantime I can learn a couple of languages like French or Spanish which would be useful. It's week 6 out of 10 in school now so assessments are coming up. Next week Wednesday my school orchestra is doing an performance and I suck at most of the songs, so I got a bit to practise. My piano playing's going well, just need to remember to practise things.