

New update time since it's been a little over a week. Not much interesting has happened. I did my orchestra performance thing which went well enough. It was Friday week 7 today (or yesterday i guess since its midnight) and I definitely got stuff to work on over the weekend if I can. Like my English essay, the draft has to be emailed on Monday and it's not good. I'm just always tired and existing is taking all my willpower so I try do what I can. Don't really have anything planned for the weekend. On Tuesday I had to go to therapy to some new person who was pretty nice. The only reason I'm kinda going is to help my parents, because they're not supportive. Especially my Mum, she's clueless about stuff and probably somewhat transphobic too, saying the stupidest things. Apparently me wanting my pronouns respected is making them conform, literally she's the one doing this to me. And I'm prettty sure I'd be a lot less depressed if they'd just accept me but whatever. Anthropology is interesting, like human stuff. Learning about ancient societies and all that. I watched a video about the Minoans, this civilisation that lived in Crete so long ago, sorta like the Ancient Greeks to us now. You know, I was feeling quite overwelmed earlier but I feel a bit better now. In the holidays which is a couple weeks away I'm gonna try get a haircut, a proper short one. Might start applying for a job too if I can manage it. I always feel overwelmed and stressed at just nothing and I just feel like I'm going insane. Like, I just thing about so much and don't do anything good with my time and I can't center myself. Listening to music helps sometimes, listening to 'In case I make it' at the moment, it sorta helps. I got a new piece of music from my piano teacher called Rustle of Spring, it's a bit tricky.