


Life's been okay lately. Writing this at 12AM. It was a student free day Friday so we have an extra long weekend. Sunday is Father's day, my family is renting a boat in a town up north, not telling where cause no one shall know where I live, super secret >:3. Assignments and things are due, those are going fine I think. Been listening to breakcore. I like Wlfgrl by Machine Girl, pretty spooky sounding. Also getting a Lord of the Flies obsession, we had to read it in English. I read this fanfic, love it so much. Haven't practised music that much, but have a lot of hard songs to learn for trombone. Also did my trombone assessment which is pretty easy. We just have to be recorded playing a short song. Media arts video is done, we had to make a how-to video, I think ours is pretty good. Math we're learning index laws and scientific notation. Humanities we have to design a utopia, it's been pretty fun. I probably gotta work on that this weekend if i can. In Visual art we have to appropriate a famous landscape. So basicly just add something funny to it. I'm doing that melting clock one but with cats.
Gosh I need to sort out the CSS, the images look so bad transparent like this. Anyway, kinda tired to keep typing this out, maybe I'll write more when I wake up.